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PE135 Bullet Tutorial In-Person

In these 10 minute 'bullet tutorials', we will work with you to improve your academic writing. Please bring a sample of writing that you're working on at the moment (ideally up to 1 page). We'll look at the writing and give you guidance on aspects like academic style, structure, criticality and your use of evidence. We'll also give you some tips on good tactics for editing your work. To get the most out of these tutorials, we want to work with your 'messy writing'. Nobody starts with a polished essay, and learning how to refine your drafts is a key skill which will help you through your degree and beyond. 

If you have any questions about these 'bullet tutorials', please email learningdevelopment@bishopg.ac.uk. We look forward to seeing you and your 'messy writing' soon!

All these tutorials will take place in the CELT Centre, next to Curiositea. 

Monday 2 March 2020
09:00 - 09:10
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Registration has closed.

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